Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Not a future Bass player ):

Jonnie had his last orchestra concert and by last I mean last forever. He says he no longer wants to play the Bass (though I am trying to talk him into one more year). He mostly wants to quit because he hates having to leave class twice a week for lessons and then he gets behind in the class he has to leave. I honestly understand that and wish they could figure out a better way for lessons. He also doesn't like to practice and hasn't practiced much since after Christmas break. However, he is REALLY good at playing the Bass even if he hasn't practiced! He is natural and has a musical gift, though I may be a little bias (: He now says he wants to take guitar lessons, which would be wonderful if I didn't have to buy a guitar and pay for those lessons. He also says he will be in band starting in 6th grade, but we'll see. Maybe if he waits a year he'll be willing to try again. I just hate for him to take a year off of music, though. So the mother in me has now started looking for used guitars....

Here he is playing the Bass-I love the Bass!!

To be continued....

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