Thursday, May 21, 2009


What makes it so fun for a toddler to run away from you every chance he can get? At the babysitters today, Sherry asked Sawyer to get her mail out of the mailbox for her right as we were leaving and I saw it in his eyes....that split second when he decided to just take off like a bullet down the sidewalk. He got about a block away when my threats of cars coming finally sank in. Have any of you every ran after a 2 year old? They are fast!

Then later when we were at a store in the mall, with my hands full of items, he takes off out the door! I had to drop everything off on the counter and take off after him, AGAIN! This time it was right outside a restaurant that has tables all around that I had to weave through and listen to all the people laughing and watching. This time my threats included losing him or someone taking him (you say what you have to say) which didn't work.....I had to full out run! He was laughing so hard (which thankfully slowed him down a bit) and screaming because his mother was chasing him. Finally, when I caught him a table starting cheering for me-totally embarrassing! He was loving every minute of it.

Why, WHY??


Peace is every step said...

Ahh, the joys. I can just see his little evil smile.

Julie B said...

HA! My girls have actually never really run away from me..although Rose seems to be a whole different story. A friend of mine's boys are like at the fair she got a phone call from a friend in a whole other section wondering if she knew her son was over there playing! She didn't :)