Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New year Everyone! Hope this year brings you all health, happiness, and peace!
Any New Years resolutions? I would love to hear them. Mine are simple this year, I have three.
They are De-clutter, organize, and decorate my house! Well, maybe not simple, but this is the year. Jon and I have many plans over the next months and I can't wait to get started. I will post before and after pictures of our accomplishments (: My biggest challenge is the de-cluttering and organizing parts-that is the procrastinator in me. But if I do small parts at a time-it will get done!
I could always include exercising and eating healthy, but I say that every year and those are lifelong goals anyway-I start exercising tomorrow (:
Here's to 2008!


Peace is every step said...

good luck with your 2008 goals! One step at a time sista.

BTW, I tagged you for a good one. :)

Julie B said...

I have declutter down on my list as well :) Maybe we could figure out a way to keep each other motivated and on track?
Organize is also on my list, but I think decluttering comes first :)

Lorrie said...
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Lorrie said...

Sounds good! I need all the motivation I can get! Oh, and thanks for the tag-it is a good topic!