And we're here. He LOVES his cool Twins back-pack he got from Grandma Karen. He's been wearing around and playing "school" all week.
When we walked in he became pretty quiet. We found his name tag where to hang his backpack, then we had to use the bathroom and wash his hands before I left. This is a requirement from the teacher, and I think it's a great policy-definitely saves her time and hopefully minimize germs and sickness.
I walked him back to his classroom and his teacher showed him a few things and asked if he wanted to play cars with her. That was all it took and he hugged me, said goodbye, and I was off. I wasn't really sad at all like I thought I would be. I was more excited for him because he was so ready for preschool and he wasn't sad or scared at all. Maybe a little nervous, but that's normal. I couldn't wait to pick him up and hear all about it! Here's one last picture before I left.
And here he is at the end. I should mention quickly how wonderful I think his teacher is. She has been teaching there since 1974 and definitely knows what works-everything runs so smoothly! She is very soft-spoken and the kids just really seem to listen to everything she says (: He had a GREAT day and said he really liked it. Here he is checking his mailbox before we left.
When he first ran over to me, he said "All the kids are really nice to me and their going to be my friends!" This actually made me a little teary by the sweetness of it. He also said he loved it all and couldn't wait to go back! So relieved and happy for him, but honestly, did my baby just go to preschool? Sniff sniff....
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