Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mean Lady

Sawyer and I were listening to the radio when we heard that a boy died in the Mississippi River. I never think he is really paying attention to the radio until he said, "Mississippi must be mean." When I asked him what he meant by that he said, "Mrs. Sippi must be a mean lady to kill that boy." It was funny and sad at the same time.


Anonymous said...

So cute that he came up with that! Hunter hears things on the news about people getting hurt and dying and I wonder what he'll say sometimes. They learn about the bad stuff too early.


PS. Your husband is a riot! I don't know if I will claim him as my brother anymore! I won't go into details for his sake if you know what I mean!

Lorrie said...

Hahaha-yeah, I know what you mean. I may not claim him as my husband anymore either or even drive to the farm for awhile until it snows again or something-hahaha-you have me laughing all over again!!!!!!

Chris said...

I don't even want to guess what Jon'll have to tell me over the phone.
Sawyer just cracks me up...he's so funny and sweet.