Well, I am feeling a little more festive these days. I have bought some gifts and my own three's gifts are just about done or in the process of being done and that was my biggest worry. My Christmas cards are done and in the process of being sent out (probably next week), the Christmas tree is up and stockings are hung, the kids excitement is wearing off on me, and the 18 wheeler rolled into town! All three were so excited to get there even
though it was 4 degrees, yes, I said 4 degrees-we are all die
hards here in Minnesota, aren't we? I had to laugh at all the people I heard say it wasn't so bad because for once it wasn't windy-so true.
When we first got there, Sawyer was literally attacked from a bear, snowman,
Santa, and a reindeer. He would smile and wave but kept hiding his head in my leg when they got too close. Here he is with daddy.
Jon and
Alaina dancing up a storm- I LOVE that they still love it and get into (:
Oh, this picture makes me smile.....
Alaina's eyes are the best!
We went in to talk to Santa and
Jonnie was the only one who wanted to.
Alaina said she was too old ): Sawyer went up there with him, but refused to sit on Santa's lap. I heard
Jonnie say he wanted a Go-Cart (GIVE IT UP BOY!!).
I talked Sawyer into standing beside
Jonnie for a picture-he refused to tell Santa what he wanted which was fine by me. I was happy to just get a picture.
I am hoping to get most of my other gifts this weekend and just thought today that I should probably do a little baking. So, that is the plan for my little chefs and I this weekend.
Jonnie has ANOTHER birthday party to go to tomorrow night. I cannot believe how many parties that kid goes to! Other than that we have no big plans, well I guess it is our 12
th anniversary this Sunday-
haha. We said no gifts this year, but we will hopefully go out to eat or something. Hope every one is staying somewhat stress-free these days!
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