Thursday, October 23, 2008

A season ending

I can feel it in my bones tonight. The cold air is coming and today it only got in the low 40's. Fall is leaving us fast and I am craving the sun and warm air, I miss it already. It is going to be a long winter, I'm afraid.

Today I couldn't get warm. I was guzzling tea all day for the warmth and think I will have to move on to hot chocolate-that always seems to warm me up. I wish I could bring my electric blanket to work and wrap up in it at my desk, but that might look a little odd. Maybe.

The trees are losing their leaves fast and I can just feel the air changing. I will have to get Jon to open the fireplace so I can start having fires soon. I am feeling very melancholy tonight, just kind of blah....I am going to go exercise now in hopes to one warm me up and two to make me feel better. Alaina has been home sick the last two days and has been working on homework since 4:00-It is now almost 7. I can feel her anxiety and it is making me anxious. Part of me wants to just do it for her to help her out, but I know I can't. I told her she doesn't have to have it all done, but she will not go to school until it is.

On a positive note, I have off the next three days and that is always a good thing. I also have Sawyer's class tomorrow and I love to go there with him. He loves it, too and I may just have to bring my camera to show you all what he does in class (: Oh, I almost forgot I am meeting a friend for lunch afterward and I am excited because we haven't gotten together in awhile and I am looking forward to catching up. Well, I feel better already....Now I just need to go turn up the thermostat.


Maja said...

Ahh! I'm totally with you on this! This time of year really gets to me. I don't love the cold, but it's the darkness that really makes me a crazy person. Just seeing the sun disappear (when it is out in the first place) a little earlier each day makes me sad. I'm trying to motivate myself to GET ORGANIZED before the cold, short days make it even harder to get things done! (You can tell my motivational strategy is really working by the fact that I gave up on cleaning in order to sit down and read blogs. :))

Julie B said...

ugh, I so understand. It seems that summer is finally leaving us and Fall is arriving! My goal this week is to finally pack up the girls' summer things so that we won't have the "don't you think you'll be cold in shorts?" conversation that we have over and over again....

Greg bought some pellets last night for our stove and we fired it up last night! It's so odd, as it was in the high 80s last week. I am just not looking forward to the time change..I am with you Maja, I hate the darkness!

Lorrie said...

Thanks girls, you made me feel better that I am not the only one who feels this way this time of year. It totally has something to do with the loss of sunlight. Maja, every time I start to clean, the computer just seems to call my name (:
I am also bummed that my director at the center called me a little while ago and her husband possibly had a heart attack so they are doing more tests on him tomorrow, so now I need to go into work for a little while tomorrow for her and she asked me to open the center Saturday morning and stay there until my boss can get there and take over. I want to help and do the right thing but I am totally bummed!!! Now it will feel like I have no days off-sometimes it's hard to do the right thing, isn't it?? But it is not like I can say "no, I won't." Anyway, I am off to bed and tomorrow is another day...

Lorrie said...

Oh, and Julie at least summer is leaving you and you have fall to look forward to and not winter....(:

Chris said...

As I told Lorrie today on the phone, I think my body will be completely screwed up this winter in Colorado. Last week we had 3-4 inches of snow overnight. I had feelings of Christmas and hot chocolate, with fires in the fireplaces; but, within 3 days the snow was gone and it'll be in the 70's tomorrow, giving me feelings of spring cleaning and hiking. Very strange. At least we don't lack for sunlight. Sometimes I long for a cold, rainy day. I have to say that all our trees are still green--mainly 'cause they're all EVERGREENS!!! :)

Peace is every step said...

I'm with you sister. It sucks so bad to leave in the dark, and come home in the DARK! I've been trying to break up my long days with hiking at lunch-it makes such a difference. This time of year makes me want to get organized too! Except I just bitch until Shawn does it. :) Patheticly spoiled, I know.