Can someone please tell me why my 3 year old likes to run away from me? Still. It stopped for awhile, but now the screaming with delight, VERY fast, devilish grinned boy is doing it again! Believe me I threaten, lie, pretend I have something really interesting for him to come back for, but nothing seems to work.
Today at the grocery store he was an angel. As we were leaving and walking through the turn style doors (worst invention in my opinion), I am feeling pretty great having had a happy 3 year during the entire hour and a half trip. He changed. As I walked out into the parking lot, I soon realized that I was alone. He was no longer holding on to the cart as promised. I looked back to see him going around the turning door again. It was cute then. He giggled and delighted all the other people coming in and out of the store. I finally had my chance to grab him and started carrying him back to the cart. He begged that he would be good and hold on to the cart now and promised (3 year
olds don't really know what that means) he wouldn't run off again. WHY DID I LISTEN?? Within 2 seconds, he shot off like a bullet across the parking lot. I had to leave my cart full of food in the parking lot and take off after him. Guess where he ran first? You guessed it-that damn turning door. Why is it when this happens there are people around watching? Lots of laughs and stares at my expense. One lady even asked him, "Are you having fun?" and he responded in fits of giggles, "this is fun!" And, just as he was coming around to the door where I was waiting, he darts to the right (he's very agile, that one) and runs full speed into the parking lot. My first thought was crap, he's going to make me run, isn't he. And he did. How come a grown woman cannot easily catch a little 3 year old-and he is shorter than most!
After finally catching him, I was ready to be mad at him, but he wraps his arms around me, smiles, and says, "that was fun!" That actually made me laugh and I didn't get mad at him and just reminded him of the dangers of cars, other people, etc. but I have learned a lesson:
Never trust a three year old when they say they promise.